Monday, November 1, 2010

Anybody wanna buy a house?

Diy projects, boxes, school, diy projects, more boxes, more school, more diy, pumpkin patches, unpacking boxes, more diy projects, still more school....that about sums up the last month. And the best part, meeting lots of sweet people and learning about their lives and how God is calling us to serve them.

The house in Seymour is on the market, please be in prayer that God will sell it soon! Anybody wanna buy a house?

The boys have grown another foot I think. Hayden says everything...He is changing every day, literally!

Missing all our friends and fam, hope you enjoy the pics............that are soon to come as soon as I can get my faithful camera to upload!:)


Christina said...

so what kind of DIY projects have you been doing? :) I am sure in the home remodel/get ready to sell category but those are good too! Did you tkae your Ikea shelves with from the living room or are you leaving them with the house?

Hope we can get together at some point over the holidays and catch up!

Praying for your house to sell.


amburnette said...

Hey Wendy! Sounds like you have been super busy. I hope your house sales soon, I know how you feel...kinda. I hope everything is going well. I'll be praying for Cullen(I don't thing I spelled his name right). Talk to you soon.
