Wednesday, May 25, 2011

We will remember...

This May marks the four year anniversary of God's provision and continued protective care of our now 4 year old Cullan.  We don't want the month of May to pass us by without remembering the great blessings of being held by our Savior so closely through a faith-building time that these past four years have been.

We give all glory to Him.  He truly never leaves us or forsakes us.  He knows the way we take and our times are in His hands.  We still don't know His outcome fully, but they who trust Him wholly find Him Wholly true........This fall should be what we have looked forward to these past four years---a release from medical treatment and the promise of no future treatment needed, but either way.  He has already been there before we even arrive.  We put this in writing not only as a testimony to God alone and His healing power and unending faithfulness to His children, but also an accoutability to keep the faith.  There are moments of anxiety, doubt and frankly, sheer terror.  But, we refuse to live in those moments.  Living in His safe embrace is a whole lot more sane and comforting, and we have learned (sometimes the hard way) it is the only way to live.  His way for us to live.

We will never forget all You have done and all You will do.  Thank yous to all of you who have been by our sides literally and prayerfully these past four years. Don't stop now, we're not quite there yet, but We will remember the works of His Hands always.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We know first hand what the road you travel on is like. God is good and gracious to allow such things to draw us closer to Him. You have a precious family and we will continue to pray for the health of all your children. Amethyst is 11 years old now and the memories of what happened and what could have happened are still there, but so are the blessings. Cherish every day. We love you guys. Josh, Amber and Amethyst~Jewel Gagnier